Operation Restore is a program that provides free hair transplants, including travel expenses, for patients suffering from hair loss due to disease or trauma. Organized by the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery in 2004, the nonprofit enables patients to undergo hair restoration treatment even when it may be financially out of reach. Physicians like
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Eyebrow Restoration In Seattle
There are many reasons why people have thin eyebrows. Some men and woman have naturally thin eyebrows as a genetic trait. Woman often develop thin patchy brows from years of over-plucking. Other common causes of thinning eyebrow hair include hormonal imbalance (thyroid and estrogen), diabetes and trauma. Thin or absent eyebrows can have a profound
Read MoreFemale Hair Loss Treatments
Just like men, women can experience hair loss. Common causes include genetic loss (androgenetic alopecia), excessive pulling or tugging of hair in styling (Traction Alopecia), impulsive pulling (Trichotillomania), hormone imbalances, scarring of the scalp (Scarring Alopecia), medical conditions/medications, stress or trauma (Telogen Effluvium), extreme or sudden weight loss, and treatments like chemotherapy. Most female hair
Read MoreAbout Alopecia Areata
The way your hair looks plays a big part in your self-esteem. You may use special shampoo, conditioner, gel, mousse, and hair spray just to get the look you want. But if you have a chronic autoimmune condition called alopecia areata, you will experience sudden hair loss in circular patches on your head and body.
Read MoreInitial Hair Loss Consultation
Hair loss is a common problem that affects half of the male population and about a quarter of the female population all over the world. Usually the result of alopecia or male/female pattern baldness, hair loss typically affects hair in part of the head or the body. Many women begin to experience hair thinning in
Read MoreFemale Pattern Hair Loss
Losing hair is considered an expected and natural part of the aging process, especially for men. And for many of these men, their hair loss provides an opportunity to re-evaluate their look. Perhaps they may decide to trim their hair short or go for a totally bald and distinguished look, while others choose to undergo
Read MoreReturning to Natural Eyebrows
Eyebrows form a prominent feature of the face, both shaping the face and providing definition. Their form accentuates the eyes, which is the reason why women exert so much effort trying to keep their eyebrows in perfect shape all the time. Girls and young women pluck their eyebrows to give their face a more sophisticated
Read MoreWhat Exactly Is Male Pattern Baldness?
Eighty-five percent of men will experience significant hair thinning, or male pattern baldness to some extent, once they reach the age of 50. Male pattern baldness, to put it simply, is hair loss in males. Also called androgenetic alopecia, it is the most common type of hair loss that affects men. According to the American
Read MoreHow Eyebrow Restoration Can Help You Feel Like Yourself Again
Both men and women may start to notice eyebrow hair loss once they reach their 40s and 50s. It is not something to take lightly and can be distressing for some people, especially women who pride themselves on fully shaped eyebrows. Your eyebrows are one of the most prominent features on your face. They not
Read MoreTreating Female Hair Loss
Hair loss is not just an issue among males. In fact, a significant number of women – about one-third – suffer from hair loss at some point in their lives. As many as two-thirds of postmenopausal women experience thinning hair and balding. Hair loss can negatively impact a woman’s emotional health and quality of life.
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