Surgical Hair Restoration
Treatment for Hair Loss Near You
Modern surgical hair restoration procedures, including hair transplant surgery, look vastly different today than they did even ten years ago. Advancements in techniques and medical technology now allow for patients to benefit from successful hair transplants and regrowth of their own natural hair without the intense scarring and recovery once associated with these procedures. While progressive hair loss may still lead to the need for future transplant procedures, your initial treatment plan can get you jump-started on your journey to restored self-confidence.
Our dedicated and compassionate board-certified physician, Dr. Robert Niedbalski, has been carrying out successful surgical hair restoration procedures for more than 25 years. He and his experienced medical team members work with you on a deeper, individual level to provide you with the best hair loss treatments to suit your individual needs based on the type of hair loss you are experiencing. It is important to note that your surgical hair loss treatment options may vary, depending on the causes and extent of your hair loss.
Our comprehensive suite of surgical hair loss solutions includes the following:
- Hair Transplant Surgery
- FUE Hair Transplant
- FUT Hair Transplant
- Eyebrow Transplant
- Facial Hair Transplant
We also encourage you to explore our educational resources, designed to help those of you who undergo a surgical hair restoration procedure better prepare for and recover from your surgical experience with us.
Get thicker hair where your hair was previously thinning and greater hair density so you don’t see your scalp shining through any longer. Our surgical hair restoration solutions not only boost self-confidence but also give our patients a more naturally youthful look by filling in areas of hair loss or a receding hairline. Your journey to improved self-esteem starts here with the help of the esteemed Dr. Niedbalski.
Hair Surgery in Tacoma, Seattle, and Spokane, WA
Call the hair restoration specialists both patients and peers trust: Northwest Hair Restoration of Tacoma, Seattle, and Spokane, Washington. You can reach us at (253) 572-2949 or use our convenient and secure online form to schedule your complimentary consultation today.

The Evolution of Hair Replacement Treatments for Men
Hair replacement treatments have been around for decades. However, the results weren’t always that great in the past. Men struggling with thinning hair or baldness felt self-conscious and frustrated with limited options. However, as medicine and technology have advanced, hair replacement treatments for men have improved dramatically. Patients now get better, more natural-looking results. Here’s
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Choosing the Right Hair Replacement Clinic for Men: Factors to Consider
Hair loss can be a challenging experience for any man, and choosing the right hair replacement clinic for men is very important to get the results you want from treatment. An experienced hair replacement surgeon can help you achieve life-changing outcomes from hair restoration procedures. There are many clinics that claim expertise in hair treatments. You must
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Diet and Nutrition for Healthy Hair: What Women Should Know
We have all heard the saying, “You are what you eat.” Definitely, this applies to the health of your hair. Let’s discuss the role of diet and nutrition in harming or helping women and their ever-changing heads of hair. Hair Loss Happens All the Time Do women go bald the way men do? No, they
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