There are many reasons why people have thin eyebrows. Some men and woman have naturally thin eyebrows as a genetic trait. Woman often develop thin patchy brows from years of over-plucking. Other common causes of thinning eyebrow hair include hormonal imbalance (thyroid and estrogen), diabetes and trauma. Thin or absent eyebrows can have a profound effect on your appearance and is a tremendous source of anxiety and insecurity for those who suffer from this problem. They often rely on makeup as a means of defining the brows but this requires a lot of skill and patience to apply correctly.
Northwest Hair Restoration surgical eyebrow restoration as a permanent solution for thin or absent brows. What? Yes, that’s a real thing. You can have thicker eyebrows with a simple, outpatient surgical procedure.
Eyebrow Restoration Process
Eyebrow restoration uses your own scalp hair follicles to restore your eyebrows permanently to your desired shape and thickness. Dr. Niedbalski uses the FUT or FUE harvesting methods to remove the appropriate number and type of hair follicles from your scalp. He then places each follicle into a tiny incision that directs the new hair to grow in the proper angle and direction to create a natural looking brow. Since the new eyebrow hairs are harvested from the scalp, they will continue to grow longer than typical eyebrow hair does. With simple, regular grooming, the new brows will look very natural. If you’re tired of trying to disguise thin or absent eyebrows with the use of time consuming eyebrow pencils, brushes, and make up, contact Northwest Hair Restoration and see the results for yourself. Northwest Hair Restoration is changing lives one eyebrow at a time. Call us at (253) 572-2949 or, request an online consultation.