FUE Hair Transplant
What is FUE Hair Transplant Surgery?
With follicular unit excision (FUE) hair transplant surgery, individual hair follicles are extracted and transplanted one by one to sparse locations on the scalp. The FUE procedure results in tiny, circular scars (about 1 mm around), which can be desirable in some circumstances when compared to traditional hair transplant surgeries that produce long, linear scars.
FUE is an advanced alternative to the more traditional strip harvesting of a follicular unit transplant (FUT) procedure, in which a strip of scalp is removed and separated into individual follicular units under a microscope.
If you are interested in undergoing FUE hair transplantation versus traditional FUT hair transplant surgery, we encourage you to talk to Dr. Niedbalski about your interest during your private, complimentary consultation. He will sit down with you one-on-one, listen to your concerns, evaluate your hair loss, and determine a personalized treatment plan that best suits your individual needs.
Advantages of FUE Hair Transplant Surgery
There are many advantages of receiving FUE hair restoration surgery when compared to other surgical or non-surgical interventions. Some of the most notable benefits of this type of hair restoration include:
Minimized Scar Appearance
Compared to a linear donor scar involved in FUT procedures, the “mosaic” of dot scars created by FUE is favored by patients who:
- Prefer short hairstyles.
- Notice their scalp showing through their hair, even with a longer hairstyle.
- Are at risk for thickened donor scars due to excessive scalp tightness or laxity.
It is important to note that scarring from an FUE hair transplant may still be visible, depending on the thickness and fullness of the hair in your treated areas.
Enhanced Scalp Comfort
Multiple small, round FUE incisions are spread out over a larger portion of the donor scalp compared to a single strip incision. Because of this, FUE patients often experience:
- Less pain in the donor’s scalp.
- Faster healing.
- No sutures or staples to remove.
- Return to physical activity more quickly.
It is important for our patients to keep in mind that although it is a more comfortable experience for many of our patients, FUE hair transplants are still accompanied by a full recovery period. We encourage you to view our post-operative care instructions for more information on this period.
Expanded Donor Hair Supply
Patients with excessive donor scars, scalp tightness, and/or patchy donor density have very limited options with traditional strip harvesting. FUE accesses areas that FUT can’t, including the upper and lower fringe of the donor scalp, beard, and body hair, for patients who have a shortage of donor scalp hair. In addition, fine hair from the nape of the neck or temporal scalp can be harvested for eyebrow and eyelash restoration. Through FUE techniques, Dr. Niedbalski can harvest up to 2,500 hair follicles in a single day.
Successful with Most Hair Types
In years past, patients with moderately to very curly hair may have had issues with hair transplant surgery. Dr. Niedbalski and his team use the latest advancements in technology to ensure that all patients, regardless of their hair texture, are able to benefit from our FUE hair transplant surgery.
Considerations When Choosing FUE Hair Transplant Surgery
Although there are numerous benefits of receiving FUE hair transplant surgery, for some, there may also be a few drawbacks. These considerations may not impact all of our patients, but at Northwest Hair Restoration, we want to be as transparent with our patients as possible.
Shaving of Donor Area is Often Required
An FUE procedure may be more conspicuous immediately after surgery, as the entire donor area needs to be shaved for most FUE procedures. If your hair is not already trimmed high and tight, your new hairstyle can bring unwanted attention after surgery.
Financial Considerations
While FUE hair transplant surgery can indeed be more costly than FUT due to its intricate nature, it is important to remember that investing in your confidence and self-esteem is priceless. We understand that financial considerations play a role in your decision, and we are here to help navigate this aspect of your journey.
For detailed information about payment options, insurance coverage, and possible financing, please refer to the Billing and Insurance section on our website or give us a call at (253) 572-2949. We are committed to making this transformative experience accessible and manageable for all our patients.
FUE Hair Transplants in Tacoma, WA
There is no substitute for experience – which is why you should rely on Dr. Robert Niedbalski at Northwest Hair Restoration of Tacoma, Seattle, and Spokane, Washington, for your FUE hair transplant surgery needs. Call us at (253) 572-2949 to schedule your complimentary consultation. You may also request a consultation online using our secure online form at any time.
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