A hair transplant is one of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures in the U.S. today, particularly among men. If you’re thinking of getting hair transplant surgery, you might be wondering about what happens after the operation. The period immediately following a hair transplant is crucial to successful hair growth afterward. Your doctor will give
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Beard Envy: Can I Get Hair Restoration on My Beard
Whether it’s hormonal or an underlying medical condition, burn marks or scars, there are many reasons why it may be difficult for some men to achieve the beard they desire. And while some men are just fine not having a beard, others who see facial hair as a sign of virility, maturity, or an important
Read MoreWhat to Expect for a Hair Transplant Consultation
When going to an initial consultation regarding a hair transplant procedure, there are several factors to be aware of – and a series of questions you should ask. Some doctors specialize in beard or facial hair transplants, some may specialize in transplants on the scalp, and some may treat either men or women (but not
Read MoreWomen’s vs. Men’s Hair Loss
Our scalps have an average of about 100,000 hair follicles – and over the course of a year, most of these follicles will each produce a hair, lose it, and renew itself again. We lose about 100 hairs per day. If your follicles are healthy, your hair will continue renewing itself and keep its density
Read MoreReasons for Male Hair Loss
Statistics show that two out of three men will experience some amount of hair loss by the time they are 60. Some may even start to notice hair loss as early as their teens, and around 25 percent of men will start balding by the time they are reach their 30s. Wondering why hair loss
Read MoreSix Things to Know If You’re Considering a Beard Transplant
Beards have grown increasingly popular in recent years, allowing men to escape the grind of shaving daily. For many people, a beard symbolizes masculinity and strength, but it can also offer other benefits, such as protection from the sun and helping to prevent allergens from being inhaled through the nose. But what if you are
Read MoreWhat Is a Facial Hair Transplant and How Does It Work?
As boys come of age in today’s society, fathers teaching sons to shave is a rite of passage. It is during the onset of puberty, usually in the high school years, that those stray chin and upper-lip hairs usually begin to sprout on a boy’s face. Today’s stereotypical image of a “man’s man” often conjures
Read MoreWhat Is Alopecia?
Losing one’s hair can be a traumatic experience. If you’re experiencing hair loss on your head, you may be one of the millions of Americans who are affected by alopecia. Types of Alopecia Below, we discuss the various types of alopecia and the forms of hair loss it causes. Alopecia Areata In the case of
Read MoreHair Care Tips After a Hair Transplant
Hair transplant surgeries are one of the most popular cosmetic procedures Americans get every year. Getting your hair back can be an invigorating experience that boosts your confidence and makes you look several years younger. What Can I Do After a Hair Transplant? An important thing to keep in mind when getting a hair transplant
Read MoreHow to Care for Your New Hair Post-Operation
Hair transplant surgery is a great way to boost your confidence and to look and feel a lot younger. However, hair transplant surgery – like any medical procedure – involves care, especially during the first few weeks after the transplant. If you are interested in getting a hair transplant, take some time to understand the
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