Millions of individuals worldwide struggle with the common issue of hair loss. Thankfully, there are different transplant methods that can produce natural-looking results. However, the best treatment method will depend on the extent of your hair loss and other factors.
Let’s talk about some hair transplant procedures.
Hair Transplant Procedures
FUE, or Follicular Unit Extraction
With FUE, the hair transplant doctor uses a special punch tool to remove up to four follicles and to transplant them into prepared areas of the balding scalp one by one. This surgery is less painful than the traditional method of transplant, produces less noticeable scarring, and results in a fuller head of hair.
Recovery is quick because there are no long incisions or multiple sutures. Most people return to normal activities within days.
FUT, or Follicular Unit Transplant
FUT is a reliable, long-standing surgical method of hair transplant. More extensive in terms of incisions and suturing, this procedure harvests healthy strips of hair follicles from a donor site on the patient’s own scalp. Typically, this is the back of the head. Then, the doctor separates them into small groups for insertion into the balding areas. He also may elect to place them one by one.
In-person Consultation with Your Hair Transplant Surgeon
This in-depth, goals-oriented health consultation will help you and your hair loss doctor determine if you are a good candidate for a hair transplant. You will talk about when you started losing your hair, your health history, and more. You will discuss donor dominance, i.e., the areas of your scalp that likely are the best candidates for follicle retrieval and transplant into the balding areas of your scalp. Also, you will learn details of your chosen procedure–anesthesia, recovery, and maintenance treatments to keep your renewed head of hair full, healthy, and growing.
Hair Follicle Transplant in Tacoma, Seattle, and Spokane, WA
Northwest Hair Restoration offers a wide range of hair restoration treatments and replacement options. If you wish to explore what experienced hair restoration physician Dr. Robert Niedbalski can do for you, come see us for an informative consultation. He can help you understand the reasons for your hair loss and work with you to give you back the hair you love.
We have three convenient locations to serve you: Tacoma, Seattle, and Spokane, Washington. To know more or schedule your consultation, call us today at (253) 572-2949 or fill out our online appointment request form.