When it comes to hair regrowth, many of our patients want a remedy they can perform in the comfort of their own homes. Scalp massages may just be the solution you’re looking for.For centuries, scalp massages have been associated with the growth of thick, luscious hair – but are these wives’ tales actually based on scientific fact?
Let’s discuss the benefits of scalp massages for hair regrowth, in addition to how to give yourself a successful scalp massage at home.
Benefits of a Scalp Massage for Hair Regrowth
Massaging the scalp is a relaxing experience, but does it help with hair regrowth? In short, the answer is yes. Massaging the scalp brings blood to the affected areas and helps restore the function of damaged hair follicles for those with mild hair loss. When paired with other remedies and treatments (as recommended by a hair loss expert), scalp massages can greatly benefit those who struggle with thinning hair and hair loss.
In fact, a 2019 study consisting of 340 individuals had shown that nearly 70 percent of those who administered a scalp massage for 10-20 minutes twice each day found their hair loss stabilizing or their hair regrowing within six to seven months.It’s important to note that these benefits are only evident in those who were consistent with their scalp massages. To get the best results out of your scalp massages, we encourage you to set aside at least 10 minutes in the mornings and evenings to dedicate to scalp massages.
How to Give Yourself a Scalp Massage
Giving yourself a scalp massage is easy and takes just a few minutes of your day. Here’s our step-by-step guide to giving yourself a successful scalp massage:
- Make sure your hair is freshly detangled. We encourage patients to wait until their hair is dry to massage the scalp, as wet hair is more prone to damage and breakage.
- Using your fingertips or a specialized scalp massaging tool, apply light to medium pressure in small circles. If using your fingertips, you can also make small “V” shaped motions to achieve the same results.
- Keep massaging your scalp for about 10 minutes for ultimate results.
Our doctors also often recommend massaging in some nutrients and essential oils while you’re performing your scalp massage. Peppermint oil and rosemary oil are known to promote hair growth in those with thinning or damaged hair. Some also use small amounts of castor oil to achieve the same results.
It is important to note that while scalp massages may work for some people with light hair loss, it will not necessarily deliver desired results for everyone. Depending on the underlying cause of your hair loss, the severity of your hair loss, and other factors, you may need other treatments to get the results you want. We encourage you to come in and talk to our hair loss doctor about other remedies you can use to enhance your hair regrowth.
Hair Loss Remedies in Seattle, WA
Don’t let your struggle with hair loss get you down. If you’re frustrated with your thinning hair and wish to take matters into your own hands, it’s time you come in and see the hair restoration professionals at Northwest Hair Restoration. Dr. Niedbalski has more than 25 years of experience in diagnosing and treating those with thinning hair and androgenic alopecia. He and his expert team are happy to offer a wide range of solutions for hair restoration, including cutting-edge treatments like FUE hair transplant surgery.
If you have any questions about your hair restoration treatment options, we encourage you to give us a call today at (253) 572-2949. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Robert Niedbalski, please send us an appointment request online.