Hair transplant surgery is a major decision for a lot of people. Not only does this procedure transform the way you look, but it can also transform the way you feel about yourself and enhance your self-esteem. That being said, many patients wonder when is the right time to undergo a hair restoration procedure.
Our hair loss doctor put together a guide to help you plan the right time to start your hair restoration journey. Let’s discuss the best age for hair transplant surgery, when the best time of year to get hair transplant surgery is, and what your expectations may be for your hair transplant results.
What is the Best Age for a Hair Transplant?
Hair loss affects men and women at different ages depending on their body’s chemistry and natural hair growth patterns. It’s not uncommon to see some men start losing their hair as early on as 18years of age, just as it’s not uncommon to see men begin losing their hair at 40 or 50. With such a wide spread in age, it leaves our patients wondering if there’s a perfect age to start considering hair restoration procedures, like FUE hair transplant surgery.
Recent studies show that hair loss may begin at a young age, but continue to develop over the years. Most patients that begin seeing thinned hair starting in their late teens and early twenties may not see the full effect of their hair loss until their late twenties to early thirties. For this reason, your hair restoration specialist may recommend you wait until your mid-thirties to consider a hair loss procedure like FUE hair transplant surgery. The best way to find out if you’re a candidate for hair restoration treatments is to talk to a hair transplant specialist.
Consider Downtime & Recovery
When it comes down to considering when you’re going to undergo your hair loss procedure, it’s important to take into account your required downtime and recovery period. Oftentimes, procedures like FUE hair transplant surgery require at least 7-10 days downtime to let your incisions at the donor areas fully heal before going back to your daily routine and activities. For this reason, we ask our patients to think about the time of year in which they wish to get their procedure.
It’s common for patients to wait until the holidays to undergo their hair transplant procedure of choice, because they are able to take ample time off from their regular responsibilities, like their job. On the flip side, some patients take their summer vacation time to recover from their hair transplant surgery. We don’t recommend one time of year over the other – we just recommend you give yourself enough time to heal following your procedure.
What are Your Expectations?
Finally, it’s important to consider your expectations, such as when you can expect to see the results. Talk to your doctor if you want your results to appear before a big occasion, like a wedding or the holiday season. Your doctor can coordinate with you to ensure you’re healed well before such an event comes around, or let you know if your timeline is unrealistic.
Hair Restoration Near Me
If you’re looking for an expert hair restoration specialist in your area, look no further than hair loss doctor Dr. Robert Niedbalski at Northwest Hair Restoration of Tacoma, Seattle, and Spokane. He and his team of dedicated medical professionals are proud to offer a wide range of cutting-edge treatments that allow patients to regrow their very own head of beautiful, thick hair. In addition to FUE transplant surgery, we are also happy to offer facial hair transplant procedures.
If you have any questions about your male pattern baldness or the services we provide to remedy your hair loss, we encourage you to give us a call today at (253) 572-2949. To schedule an appointment with our hair loss doctor, please use our convenient online appointment request form.