If there’s anything that men and women alike dread, it’s losing a healthy head of hair. Alopecia (hair loss)may be a common problem, but that doesn’t make it any easier to live with – nor should it be when there are numerous ways to treat alopecia as early and effectively as possible.
In addition to surgical and non-surgical solutions available at Northwest Hair Restoration in Seattle, Spokane, and Tacoma, here are five steps patients undergoing hair loss treatment can do to help maximize their results:
1. Prioritize your Scalp Health
Any inflammation of the scalp will affect the hair growth cycle. So, it helps to shampoo your hair every other day to keep fungus and bacteria – which can result in redness, irritation, and dandruff – from building up on your scalp. Regularly massage your scalp to stimulate circulation, increase blood flow to your hair follicles, and improve nutrient delivery. In addition, avoid harsh hair treatments such as heating tools, hair dye, and bleaching. You might also want to talk to your doctor about using over-the-counter topical solutions, which can improve blood flow, strengthen existing hair, and restore lost hair.
2. Add Extra Protein to Your Diet
If you are not getting enough protein each day (40 to 60 grams), it can affect your hair growth. If you are vegan or vegetarian, you can drink your protein instead of eating a food substance. Other ways to reach your daily requirement of protein include eating beans and legumes, eggs, or Greek yogurt.
3. Take Hair-friendly Supplements
Certain vitamins and minerals can affect your hair growth. These include vitamins A, B, C, D, and E, zinc, iron, and folic acid. Prescribed biotin forte with zinc is a supplement found to help maintain healthy hair, as well as skin and muscle tissue.
4. Avoid Unnecessary Physical and Emotional Stress
Any kind of anxiety or trauma can trigger or exacerbate hair loss. Environmental factors and bad health habits like smoking, drinking, drug use, or overworking can damage the integrity of your hair. Neutralize these stressors, stay hydrated, and get plenty of quality sleep to help promote livelier stronger-looking hair.
Treatments for Hair Loss in Seattle, Washington
At Northwest Hair Restoration, we offer a comprehensive range of surgical and nonsurgical treatments designed to help protect, preserve, and renew your hair. As a leading authority and practitioner of advanced hair restoration techniques, Dr. Robert Niedbalski has been diagnosing and treating patients with hair loss for more than 25 years.
To find out if one of our treatments is right for you, contact Northwest Hair Restoration at (253) 572-2949, or use our convenient online form to request a consultation with Dr. Niedbalski.