There is a variety of surgical and non-surgical hair loss treatments available. If you are wondering which one is right for you, talk to a hair loss specialist. A hair loss specialist will examine your hair loss, look at your medical history, and will determine which non-surgical treatment is right for you based on the results you are seeking.
Latest Hair Loss Treatment
When it comes to hair loss treatments, many options have been tried and tested over the years. Today, reputable and experienced hair restoration centers offer patients a series of the latest hair loss treatment options to choose from. Many times, a combination of treatments is used for optimal results. Let’s take a look at the latest hair loss treatments available today.
Non-invasive procedures
The first notice of hair loss may have you talking to your primary care physician or pharmacist, or scanning the internet for possible over-the-counter treatments. Here are a few.
- Topical Solutions– over the counter treatments, when used as directed, may stop your hair loss and help grow thicker and longer hair.
- Oral Solutions – medications that treat hair loss by blocking male hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) from forming. It is a very effective treatment for hair loss in men.
- Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) is an FDA-approved therapy that is performed by emitting a light to the scalp to stimulate epidermal cells in the hair follicle bulge to generate new growth. This therapy is performed in a clinic but is non-invasive.
- Micro-needling is a cosmetic procedure that involves by which a derma roller equipped with fine needles gently pierces the upper layer of the skin, thereby “tricking” the body to believing there has been an injury, which the body then tries to heal by producing collagen which causes hair to grow.
- Shampoos and lotions — Many shampoos contain special ingredients – from caffeine to Argon oil – that may help to reduce hair loss or stimulate growth. It is best to consult with your doctor or pharmacist to ensure that these ingredients are not having the opposite effect.
There are a variety of surgical procedures available to treat hair loss; your hair loss specialist can help you choose the right one for you.
- Follicular Unit Excision (FUE) involves extracting hair follicles from the patient’s donor area and transplanting them individually into the desired area.
- Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT) – the “strip method” – involves removing a strip of tissue from the patient’s donor area that contains donor hair. The hair follicles are separated under a microscope and put into small groups (follicular units), each of which is transplanted to the desired area instead of transplanting individual follicles.
Hair loss is a common problem among men and women. If you are looking for a quality hair restoration team, call Northwest Hair Restoration. They have a wealth of knowledge on the latest hair loss treatments and will work with you to find the right treatment options for your needs. Call (253) 572-2949 today to make an appointment.