If you’ve taken the surgical option to restore your hair, congratulations – it’s the most effective and fastest way to help get your hair back. But the process doesn’t end after the procedure, and recovery is a delicate undertaking to ensure optimum results.
Whether you have chosen the FUE (follicular unit extraction) method or the FUT (follicular unit transplantation) procedure, the recovery period following hair transplant surgery is just as important as the operation itself. In fact, how well you follow post-operative instructions designed for effective healing and hair growth can be essential to obtaining that thicker head of hair you want.
Keys to a Faster Recovery After Hair Restoration Surgery
The actual recovery period following hair transplant surgery will vary from person to person. However, effective wound healing after hair surgery always requires these fundamental steps:
- Keep the affected area moist, but don’t let it get too wet or too dry. Your hair surgeon will provide you with a post-procedure kit. In it, you will find soothing compresses and a spritz that is infused with copper peptides designed to keep the area properly moisturized and to promote healing.
- Sleep at a 45-degree angle, slightly propped up, for at least the first three nights after the procedure. This will help keep swelling to a minimum and will therefore speed up the healing process after your hair transplant. If you do experience some irritation and/or swelling, take the anti-inflammatory or other pain medication your hair doctor prescribes. You can also help soothe the area with a cold pack as advised by the physician.
- Avoid vigorous exercise during the week following your hair transplant surgery. Taking it easy will help you avoid scalp pain or swelling. You will want to avoid sweating as much as possible in order to not aggravate the newly transplanted hair follicles and to allow them to take root.
- Nourish your hair follicles. There are numerous ways to increase the blood circulation in your scalp and provide follicular nutrition during your recovery after hair surgery. Your surgeon will explain what to apply to your scalp in order to dilate the blood vessels and thereby increase blood flow to the newly transplanted hair.
- Be careful about applying hair coloring. Although you can color your hair after you’ve fully recovered from hair transplant surgery, be very careful. There will be the risk of incurred scalp burns, damage to the new hair and follicles, and even scarring from hair bleaching or coloring. If you insist on coloring your hair, defer to your hair doctor’s recommendations about which salon-grade or medical-grade hair products to use rather than over-the-counter hair-coloring products.Also, avoid permanent hair color that contains hydrogen peroxide (bleach), which can open the follicles and cause damage. Semi-permanent color uses a lower percentage of hydrogen peroxide, which is a better alternative. This washes out over time and is much gentler on your hair.
Hair Transplant Surgery in Tacoma, Seattle, and Spokane, Washington
Dr. Robert Niedbalski has created a comprehensive recovery and follow-up protocol for hair transplant surgery, detailing what you can expect during the first week and up to a year after your hair restoration procedure. You can watch our video about how we handle the hair transplant procedure by clicking here.
If you have any questions about recovery from hair transplant surgery, you can always call us at Northwest Hair Restoration. We are conveniently located in Tacoma, Seattle, and Spokane, Washington.
Contact us today by calling (253) 572-2949 or use our convenient, online Request an Appointment form now. We look forward to helping you love what you see in the mirror.