Both men and women may start to notice eyebrow hair loss once they reach their 40s and 50s. It is not something to take lightly and can be distressing for some people, especially women who pride themselves on fully shaped eyebrows.
Your eyebrows are one of the most prominent features on your face. They not only communicate how you feel, but they also protect your eyes from dirt, sweat, and dust. The fact that they frame your eyes makes them suitable for enhancing and modifying.
Many years of plucking, threading, waxing, and using eyebrow pencils can thin out your eyebrows. If your eyebrows look like they’re losing hair, an eyebrow transplant can restore them to a full and healthy state.
Benefits of an Eyebrow Transplant
Eyebrow transplants are not only for those with thinning eyebrows. In fact, there are more benefits to the procedure than regrowth and thickening, such as:
- Permanent freedom from brow grooming, such as plucking, waxing, and tweezing
- Having eyebrows that complement your facial features
- Freedom from the costs of eyebrow grooming
- Long-term maintenance of a well-groomed shape long after the procedure
Causes of Eyebrow Hair Loss
It’s one of the biggest ironies in life that your eyebrows – which you’ve spent most of your life tweaking and tweezing – will eventually stop growing back. And when that time comes, you’ll probably do everything you can to get the hairs to grow back.
Eyebrow hair loss could be due to over-plucking or simply old age. But it could also be a sign of something serious, such as an autoimmune disorder (alopecia areata) or psychological disorders (stress, anxiety, OCD, or depression).If you notice your eyebrows looking a little thin or if bald patches start appearing, it’s best to have it checked by a board-certified hair restoration physician.
Is an Eyebrow Transplant Right for Me?
Serious medical conditions need to be ruled out before proceeding with eyebrow transplants. Ultimately, the best candidates for eyebrow transplants are those with no underlying medical or psychological condition. Patients who have lost their eyebrow hairs due to genes, over-plucking, or trauma are the best candidates for an eyebrow transplant. If you have an underlying psychological disorder that keeps you repeatedly plucking them out, then an eyebrow transplant will not help you get to the root of the problem.
What to Expect From Eyebrow Transplant Surgery
The most common type of eyebrow transplant surgery is the ultra-refined follicular unit hair transplant, or FUT. It is the surgical procedure of taking hair from strips of skin with active follicles, such as the back of the head or the upper thighs. The hair follicles are then trimmed down to form the desired shape for the brows. Next, the hairs are transplanted into the brow area.
The procedure is quick, usually taking just three to four hours. The downtime is minimal, and the effects are long-term and satisfactory.
Eyebrow Transplants in Tacoma, Washington
Dr. Robert Niedbalski performs eyebrow transplants at our Northwest Hair Restoration office in Tacoma, Washington. We offer different eyebrow transplant techniques depending on what is safest and most suitable for your needs.
If you’re interested in learning more about eyebrow transplant surgery, Dr. Niedbalski offers a free consultation, in which he will listen to your concerns and what you desire for your eyebrows. Call (253) 572-2949 or request an appointment online.