We have all heard the saying, “You are what you eat.” Definitely, this applies to the health of your hair. Let’s discuss the role of diet and nutrition in harming or helping women and their ever-changing heads of hair.
Hair Loss Happens All the Time
Do women go bald the way men do? No, they do not. However, thinning and finer hair are facts of life for most women beginning in their 40s. Heredity influences hair growth patterns and the thickness and number of viable hair follicles present and active on the scalp.
So, while losing about 100 hairs a day is normal and not even noticeable to most women, that number can increase over time. Then, the hairbrush looks fuller, and the scalp scanter.
What Else Can Influence a Woman’s Hair?
Diet and nutrition can. If a woman is severely malnourished due to disease, lack of economic resources, or other circumstances, it will show in the quality and amount of hair on the scalp and other body areas, too.
Additionally, even women who are not food-challenged can need more certain nutrients in their diets. For instance, much research indicates that a lack of appropriate blood levels of iron and Vitamin D leads to hair loss.
Interestingly, certain kinds of foods and nutrients adversely impact hair viability, texture, and growth. These foods include:
- Red meat
- Processed foods
- Fried foods
- Simple carbohydrates and sugars, such as high fructose corn syrup, and carb-loaded snacks, such as cookies, candy, and snack items
Studies show that simple carbs increase the sebum, or oil, in a woman’s hair follicles. This excess sebum causes scalp inflammation and hair loss.
What Can I Eat to Grow More and Healthier Hair?
That’s a great question and one that hair restoration doctors hear frequently. Here’s the answer: follow the Mediterranean diet.
Known for its healthy fats and anti-inflammatory properties, the Mediterranean diet is touted by many medical experts as highly effective in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, and more. As it improves skin health, it may benefit scalp and hair health.
What does the Mediterranean diet feature? It features:
- Complex carbohydrates, such as beans, starchy vegetables and whole grain bread, pasta, and cereals
- Low-mercury fish, such as salmon and tuna
- Low-fat protein sources, such as chicken
- Healthy fats contained in olive oil, walnuts, and flax seeds
- Fresh fruits and green, leafy vegetables
- Low-fat dairy, such as yogurt
A Final Word on Diet and Hair Loss
Your hair loss doctor will be happy to discuss nutrition as part of your hair loss evaluation and treatment plan. He may recommend some supplements, such as iron, niacin, Vitamin C, and others, to work with your dietary changes to improve your hair and scalp health and growth. Dr. Niedbalski carefully assesses each person’s health history and therapeutic goals to customize the right hair restoration recommendations.
Hair Restoration for Women in Washington State
At Northwest Hair Restoration, hair loss surgeon Dr. Robert Niedbalski delivers state-of-the-art treatments that produce amazing results for people with varying degrees of thinning hair or baldness. Aftercare is helpful in optimizing your comfort and in assisting your renewed hair follicles in healthy growth.
To learn more about the hair transplant solutions we offer and what they could do for you, call us for an informative consultation with Dr. Niedbalski at (253) 572-2949. You will discuss your needs and goals with him and decide what hair loss solution is best for you. We have three locations to serve you in Spokane, Tacoma, and Seattle, WA.