There are many reasons for being unhappy with the state of your eyebrows. Like it or not, your eyebrows frame your face and are one of the very first things people notice about you. After all, they occupy a prominent space in your profile.
Reasons like having thin or sparse brows, compulsively pulling out your eyebrow hair, and traumatic injury to the brow area can leave you with eyebrows that are yearning for a transformation. Eyebrow hair replacement surgery is one way to restore the eyebrows.
Should you get an eyebrow hair replacement? Below are some reasons for you to seriously consider them.
If You Have Embarrassingly Thin or Sparse Eyebrows
Some people naturally have thin or sparse eyebrows, while others may experience eyebrow hair loss due to aging or a history of over-plucking. If you want thicker, wider eyebrows, eyebrow hair replacement can give you the results you want.
If You Have Scarring or Burns
Scarring or burns in the eyebrow area are examples of physical trauma that can result in the loss of eyebrow hair. A hair transplant surgeon can restore the natural appearance of your eyebrows, make them thicker, and conceal any remaining visible scars that have resulted from certain incidents.
If You Have Trichotillomania or Alopecia Areata
Trichotillomania is a medical condition that causes the compulsive pulling out of eyebrow hair, while alopecia areata is an autoimmune condition that causes patchy hair loss in the eyebrows. For people with either of the two medical conditions affecting the eyebrows, hair replacement can prove to be a permanent solution to eyebrow hair loss. A hair doctor can successfully recreate the appearance of full, natural eyebrows.
If You Underwent Chemotherapy or Other Medical Treatments
Certain medical treatments, such as chemotherapy, can result in temporary or permanent hair loss, including of the eyebrows. Eyebrow hair replacement can provide a cosmetic solution for those who have experienced hair loss as a result of characteristically harsh but highly necessary medical treatments.
If You Want More Beautiful Eyebrows
Not everyone wanting an eyebrow hair replacement has medical reasons. Some want it for purely aesthetic purposes. Do not feel guilty for wanting to have beautiful eyebrows. Your physical appearance ties into how you feel about yourself. A highly skilled eyebrow hair replacement surgeon strives to create results that modify the shape, fullness, or symmetry of the eyebrows, which you can be proud of.
Eyebrow Hair Replacement in Tacoma, Seattle, and Spokane, WA
The highly skilled team of hair restoration specialists at Northwest Hair Restoration are focused on providing superior-quality hair replacement treatments. We are headed by Dr. Robert Niedbalski, one of the best hair transplant surgeons in the Pacific Northwest.
Our hair loss clinic is largely focused on hair thinning and hair loss treatments on the scalp, eyebrows, and face. We are proud to offer you the latest in hair transplant technology. Let’s discuss your hair thinning or hair loss issues, and we will provide you with effective solutions. To schedule a consultation, call our office today at (253) 572-2949 or use our convenient online form.