Hair transplant surgery is a great way to boost your confidence and to look and feel a lot younger. However, hair transplant surgery – like any medical procedure – involves care, especially during the first few weeks after the transplant.
If you are interested in getting a hair transplant, take some time to understand the maintenance that will be necessary to take care of your new hair after the procedure. This will ensure that you heal properly and get the best results possible.
Hair Care After a Hair Transplant
An important thing to keep in mind is that your new hair will not be visible immediately following your transplant procedure. In fact, it will probably take a few months before the new hair grows out enough for you to see it.
Once your hair grows out, you can cut, dye, and style it any way you want. But before that happens, there are certain things you should do to take care of your new hair right after the procedure.
The first several weeks following your hair transplant procedure are crucial for ultimate success.
Following a hair transplant procedure, you will have open wounds on your scalp. Regardless of how tiny they may appear, they are still vulnerable to infections and complications.
After the procedure, your hair transplant surgeon will prescribe antibiotics that will help to protect you from developing infections. To heal quickly, be sure to take any prescribed medications as your surgeon recommends.
Even though most hair transplant procedures take place at outpatient facilities instead of hospitals, recovery is still important. As with any medical procedure, you will need rest, relaxation, and downtime after the procedure.
Talk to your surgeon about how much time they recommend that you take off from work to get adequate rest and heal properly. And taking time off doesn’t just stop at work – after your procedure, you will need to make sure your scalp doesn’t get exposed to excessive sweat.
This means you should stay out of the gym and away from the hot sun, and not engage in anything that will cause you to sweat. A lot of people take vacations after the procedure to keep them relaxed – this is a great idea, just be sure to stay cool!
Shampoo and Other Products
For the first 14 days, do not use shampoos and other hair products such as conditioners, gels, and hair sprays that your hair transplant surgeon hasn’t approved.
During your hair transplant, hair follicles will be removed – likely from your upper neck area in the back of your head, where hair tends to grow most reliably – and placed into areas of the scalp where you want more hair. Immediately following the procedure, the hair follicles are very sensitive and are vulnerable to infections.
The chemicals in hair products can irritate the scalp and create unwanted complications. To be safe, wait until your hair transplant surgeon gives you the all-clear sign before applying any chemicals to your hair or scalp.
Hair Restoration Surgeon in Washington State
While these tips apply to most patients getting hair transplant procedures, nothing takes the place of the advice you receive directly from your hair transplant surgeon after your operation. It’s essential that you follow their recommended instructions for adequate healing, because they know your total health profile.
If you suffer from hair loss and are interested in getting a hair transplant procedure done, review the solid qualifications of Dr. Robert Niedbalski at Northwest Hair Restoration. He has years of success restoring his patients’ hair so they look younger, and he can help restore your hair through safe and effective procedures.
Call us today at (253) 572-2949 to make an appointment, or request an appointment online right now so we can get started. Let us help you feel more confident with a fuller head of hair.