Are you a woman who is frustrated with hair loss? Let’s look at the reasons behind female hair thinning. When you understand why this is happening, you can feel empowered to seek the best possible hair restoration solutions.
Reasons For Female Hair Loss
About one-third of American women suffer from noticeable hair loss. They may discover that their hair is suddenly falling out in clumps or, as is more typical, that their hair is simply thinning.
Female hair loss appears differently than male hair loss. With men, the crown thins over time, and recession at the forehead can begin in the 20s and 30s, forming a characteristic M shape to the hairline. Many men report that their hair loss appears to be hereditary–that is, they say their dads, uncles, or brothers began balding at a certain age, and they see the same thing happening now to them.
However, women do not commonly lose hair early in adulthood, but rather, starting in their 40s and 50s, coinciding with a drop in female hormone levels during perimenopause and menopause. Genetics also play a significant role (androgenic alopecia), as women can inherit hair loss genes from either or both parents.
Besides hereditary factors, the following circumstances or conditions can influence when and how much hair a woman may lose:
- Taking certain kinds of prescription medications
- Having diabetes or other metabolic disorder
- Extreme starvation dieting
- Recent surgery
- Blood disorders, such as anemia
- Experiencing long-term stress or a traumatic event
- Scalp conditions, such as psoriasis or eczema
- Nutritional deficits, such as lack of sufficient Vitamin D or iron
- Habitually wearing tight braids, pony tails or other hairstyles
- Overuse of some hair care products or tools – hair dryers and curling irons, as examples
- Pregnancy and breastfeeding
- Smoking cigarettes, which deprives the scalp and hair follicles of necessary nutrients and oxygen
What to Do About Your Hair Loss
A common myth about female hair loss is that it cannot be treated or prevented. In fact, there are many proven strategies for restoring hair or for slowing its rate of loss. Your hair restoration doctor can discuss your specific symptoms with you, do a scalp examination, and order some lab tests to pinpoint accurately what’s happening with your scalp and hair follicles.
Then, you and your hair loss doctor can devise a plan to achieve fuller, thicker hair. Today’s most effective treatments are offered by hair restoration surgeons, like Dr. Robert Niedbalski. His years of experience in hair restoration solutions for both men and women have helped many individuals just like you determine what treatments work best for their unique needs and aesthetic goals.
Hair Restoration For Women in Spokane, Tacoma, and Seattle, WA
At Northwest Hair Restoration, we offer numerous hair restoration and replacement solutions. Female-pattern hair loss can be challenging, but rest assured, Dr. Niedbalski can help you find a solution!
Call today for an appointment at one of our three convenient locations: (253) 572-2949, or request a visit online.