Whether you are a man or a woman, your hair loss problem is more common than you may realize. The effects of heredity, life stress, aging, and loss of hormones during andropause and menopause can all contribute tobald spots, thinning hair, and receding hairlines.
Have you considered hair replacement or restoration? Here are some of the benefits of these state-of-the-art procedures.
1# Hair Replacement Is Medically Effective and Safe
Patients with hair loss persistently and consistently exceeding the norm of 50 to 100 hairs per day during the shedding phase of hair growth cycles respond well to hair transplant surgery. A hair restoration specialist is fully qualified and experienced in determining any skin or metabolic processes responsible for hair loss and can recommend surgical or non-surgical treatment only to medically qualified patients.
The results of today’s hair restoration procedures are permanent, natural-looking, and easy to maintain. These state-of-the-art treatments restore full, well-growing hair for years without compromising patient’s health.
2# Premier Hair Replacement is Permanent
Most people are dissatisfied with over-the-counter or salon solutions to hair loss. Wearing a hat, wig, or scarf can be a real nuisance, and they only cover up the real problem– areas of baldness. You want to wash, cut and style your real hair easily and never worry if a gust of wind will blow your head covering or hair piece away.
On the other hand, hair loss treatment by a skilled hair restoration doctor offers an effective and medically safe permanent remedy. Today’s hair restoration physicians have years of experience in innovative procedures that transplant the patient’s hair follicles to areas of loss.
3# Hair Replacement Enhances Self-esteem
People who are bald or have thinning hair feel older and less confident. They may be self-conscious during a business presentation or important gatherings, such as a high school reunion or wedding. Plus, whether we like it or not, thin or missing hair ages a person, and no cosmetics or designer apparel alters that.
Hair replacement changes everything. After a thorough evaluation and treatment recommendations from the hair loss doctor, replacement treatments can begin. The transplanted areas look natural because they grow the person’s own hair taken from other thicker areas of the scalp. Texture and color match, and as the follicles take and grow, they blend in with the rest of the patient’s own head of hair.
The result is that individuals look and feel like themselves again. There’s no more embarrassment or avoidance of social situations.
4# Hair Replacement Solutions Are Highly Individualized
Your hair is more than color and texture. It involves a unique pattern of growth and a look that blends in well with your facial contours, skin tone, ethnicity, gender, and personal expectations. During a personal consultation on hair restoration solutions, your hair loss doctor will show you what’s possible and what’s not. You, in turn, can outline the changes you want to make and the appearance you want to see.
Hair replacement can address male and female baldness patterns, plus hair loss due to trauma, stress, and other life circumstances. Additionally, hair replacement doctors offer solutions to people with scant, missing, or oddly patterned eyebrows and beards.
During a consultation with your hair restoration doctor, you will be told exactly what results are possible, what treatments you will need, what will be involved in preparation and recovery, and when to expect optimal hair growth and restoration. In other words, patient education is an integral and irreplaceable part of hair replacement.
Learning More About Hair Replacement Options
The biggest benefit of today’s hair replacement options is versatility. If you wish to regrow or replace the hair you have lost or are starting to lose, the expert team at Northwest Hair Restoration can find the way most advantageous to you.
Dr. Robert Niedbalski will be happy to sit down with you, evaluate your hair loss, and recommend ways to help you have the head of hair you desire.
To arrange your consultation at our Tacoma, Seattle, or Spokane, Washington, office, call us today at (253) 572-2949 or fill out our convenient online appointment request form.